Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bad News Update on the State of Internet Radio

From live365.com:

We regret to report that broadcasters still have not been able to reach agreement with SoundExchange over an acceptable performance royalty rate for Internet radio. Fortunately, our supporters in Congress are getting frustrated by the slow pace of negotiations and are finally taking action.

This Thursday, May 15th, Senator Sam Brownback will be offering an amendment to include the Internet Radio Equality Act (IREA) provisions into legislation being considered by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. As you may remember, IREA was a bill introduced last year to cap royalties at 7.5% of Internet radio revenues.

A fair and reasonable royalty rate is needed now more than ever. Together with Live365, you and 6,000 other small webcasters are streaming hundreds of diverse musical artists and genres that simply can't be heard on AM/FM dials. We're the lifeblood for artists and indie labels helping to keep America's music scene alive and vibrant.

But unless the royalty rate is lowered to the same rate as other radio media, we will always be at a competitive disadvantage with higher costs and fewer listeners.

We need your help to support the IREA bill. Your U.S. Senator is a member of the Judiciary Committee, so please take a minute and go to www.savenetradio.org to fire off a quick email or phone call to your Senator. Unless we all raise our voices, the corporate greed of major labels will triumph over small webcasters that broadcast diverse musical genres and talent.

Help protect Internet radio for small webcasters!


Mark Lam
CEO, Live365

Friday, May 09, 2008

Attention California Renters - Vote June 3 or bust!

Don't even think of sitting out the vote June 3. Get out and vote NO ON 98. This trojan horse is for all of California, not just San Francisco.

The right-wing-Howard-Jarvis backers are counting on you staying home on June 3:

"...Efforts to defeat Prop 98 will fall short, however, if voters don't turn out – which is exactly what the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer's Association (who put it on the ballot) are counting on. Its President, Jon Coupal, has admitted that they chose June 3rd because the voter turnout model on that ballot "should be very low and very conservative." Californians support rent control and oppose Prop 98 – but only if they vote will they have their voices heard."


NO ON 98 YES ON 99