Tuesday, June 26, 2007

State of Internet Radio: Keep Informed LINKS

July 15, 2007 is D-Day for Internet radio unless the obnoxious CRB rates are appealed.
Keep checking the following links for updates:



Fight The RIAA:

HR 2060 - S 1353 coverage:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Internet Radio Day of Silence on Tuesday, June 26th


Internet Radio Day of Silence on Tuesday, June 26th.

Live365, along with the SaveNetRadio coalition and Internet radio stations throughout the U.S., will be participating in a Day of Silence on Tuesday, June 26th.

On June 26th, from 3 a.m. Pacific to midnight, all 10,000 Live365 stations launched from our website, and Internet radio broadcasts nationwide, will go silent. Free listeners who tune into Live365.com stations will be redirected to a Day of Silence stream that offers an explanation, broadcaster testimonials and a call to action. VIP listeners will receive a Day of Silence PSA before being connected to the station's regular programming (if available)....

...We understand the possible disruptions this can cause, but feel drastic measures are necessary. Joining together with all other Internet radio stations we will show them what they can look forward to if things don't change quickly... Silence.

Jason Stoddard
Director, Broadcasting