Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Roadburn Festival

Was amazing.

Listen to what you missed:

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More hippie ranting...

This guy kills me, check this out:

Monday, April 10, 2006

Modern hippies are full of shit

Just what everyone needs, a ranting observation on ecology.

I just got back from a three week tour of the northeast. I work for a band
that has descended from the gods of all that is hippy. We are all northern
california liberal/conservatives who realize that creating more garbage is
a stupid thing to do. Unfortunately, the "hippies" that follow the band around
manage to make a mess everywhere they go and pollute the planet with
mounds of garbage.

I think northern California is the only region in the country that actually recycles.
I watched can after can of recyclable plastic, glass, and cardboard being thrown into
dumpsters that will end up in a landfill. The waste that propigates in this country is

The irony is that this "hippy" culture is right in there, dumping shit all over the place.
During the summer, I'm sure our fans will be trashing the hills sides of many festivals
and loading the landfills with piles of reusable material. How fucking stupid is that.

All right, I'm done and I feel bad about all the shit I just threw away on the road. I
did my part by drinking much less beer and drinking more vodka cocktails, reusing
my cup and doing my part to recycle (me and our stage manager Hippie Bill brought
back all of our used batteries in an empty Stella Artois box).

New music?

The new Prince record is really good if you like Prince. No new ground broken, but
just some ripping jams.

If you have an inclination to hippy music (you like the Dead) you should check out This is a band from Lower Slower Delaware that kicks out the crunchy
jams. I engineered and mixed the record with Mark Karan of Ratdog (Bob Weir's band)
If you don't like the dead and jammy hillbilly rock, don't bother.

I'm going to go listen to some Mastadon and Venom to get the hippie jams oout of my head....